About Us

Our mission at Renewergy is to deliver the premium quality and most technologically advanced solar powered products. We are very passionate towards spreading the message of sustainability, and we want to showcase that solar products can be cost-effective and trendy as well. 

For our team, it is more than just selling a product. We are building our business on trust, accountability and superior customer service. Our aim is to deliver most valued and trusted products in sustainability area. 

Our core values are at the heart of everything we do. They are driving force behind which products we design and sell, how we conduct our business , and serve our customers. 

  • Trusted Team - Our team has experience working with some of the industry's pioneers, such as Tesla, and vast experience working in solar energy and battery technology in Silicon Valley. 
  • Premium Products - We are laser focused on designing the most technologically advanced solar products and delivering in cost effective way. 
  • Fantastic Service - A team that you can always rely on in case of any questions or issues, we're here to help you. 

Our promise is that you will always be proud of Renewergy's product. Browse our store today and see the difference for yourself. It won't take long for you to realize the premium quality and sustainable products we offer are head and shoulders above anything else you've ever seen.